The school has a thriving Parent Teacher Association ('PTA') and all parents are automatically members. Each year the PTA organises social events and activities that not only raise thousands of pounds to enable the school to provide facilities that it would not otherwise be able to fund, but also strives to extend the relationships between parents, teachers and pupils.

We have an active PTA that organises a variety of social and fund raising events greatly enriching the life of the school. All parents of children at Our Lady's Catholic Primary School are encouraged to participate by providing ideas, energy and assistance with events.

Our PTA meetings take place at the beginning of each term. Key members of the current PTA committee are:

  • Chair - Laura Kriesal
  • Vice Chair - 
  • Secretary - 
  • Treasurer - 

We also have two "class reps" for each year group who help to organise the PTA events and co-ordinate social events for parents of their year group. Social events such as the quiz night and the dinner dance are a great way to enjoy the company of other parents whilst also contributing to fundraising.

Over the year we organise a variety of activities and try to ensure variety so that there are some for adults, some for children and some for families. These include a children's disco, a Christmas dinner dance, quiz nights, the Summer Fayre, a new starters barbeque, cake sales, pamper nights, golf days, race nights...

The PTA fundraising for the school over the last few years has provided an upgrade of the IT suite, new games and markings for KS1 and KS2 playgrounds, new curtains for the school hall, a new football kit as well as subsidising coaches for school trips and visits provided for the pupils every year. The children really benefit from these extra resources and we have a lot of fun along the way helping to raise funds and contribute to the life and community of the school.

You can also help raise money when you shop online by using the easyfundraising website. There is a quick link (fundraising) on the home page so please visit us before you shop.

Our goal so far for 2019/2020 is to continue supporting the teachers and pupils by way of subsidising school trips, redecorating the foyer within the reception area and commissioning a statue of Our Blessed Virgin Mary, which will be placed within the school’s garden in memory of our beloved teacher, Mrs Rough.

All our events are a great way to socialise and get to know other families away from the playground. We ask all parents to please look out for notices on Parent Mail and in book bags, or check this website for more information and dates of events.

If you would like more information or have any comments, questions or suggestions for the PTA please do get in touch. The PTA e-mail address is