Minnie Vinnies

Who are the OLS  Mini Vinnies? 

At OLS we have a 25-strong group of Mini Vinnies made up of children from Years 5 and 6. Our group, formed in September 2022, is one of many Mini Vinnie groups based in schools and parishes across England and Wales, and in several other countries across the world. They are a junior, or mini, version of the St. Vincent de Paul Society England and Wales, which is a voluntary organisation dedicated to tackling poverty in all its forms.  

We meet every Tuesday lunch time in the school library to pray, discuss and plan support projects in the local community. For example, we are currently working with the Chiltern Sunflower Support group to support Ukrainian refugee families in Chesham.  

The group is children-led, and sessions are organised and run by our president, vice president, treasurer and secretaries.  

If any children would like to join us, or seek further information, please leave a note in the dedicated Mini Vinni office in the corner of the school library or ask Mrs Cid-Fuentes for further details.