Prayer and Worship

Prayer and worship are important and central features of the daily life of our school. We aim to provide opportunities for children's spiritual growth and development through participation in a variety of forms of worship and through experiencing all forms of prayer.

We begin and end each day with prayer and pray before lunch; there are also opportunities for spontaneous prayer. Each class has a liturgically-based prayer table which acts as a focus for their prayer. This table is kept neat and appropriate by the class Faith Ambassadors.

Children learn a selection of traditional prayers in each year group but are also encouraged to write their own prayers.

Every Monday morning, the Headteacher leads a whole-school Act of Worship based on the weekend’s Gospel.   

Child led worship

The confident and thoughtful way in which our children lead worship in school is a strength of our school’s Catholic life. There are many opportunities for the children to plan and lead different types of worship in school. The children work together to plan and deliver personalised worship to their peers following the structure: Gather, Listen to The Word, Respond and Mission. 

Children are especially encouraged to plan and lead their own acts of worship at the end of each Come and See topic. In KS1 this would be with adult guidance but in KS2, the children will plan and prepare the worship independently. Pupils are also encouraged to lead whole school acts of worship using CAFOD or similar materials.

On Tuesday afternoons, at 3.15pm, each class stops to join together as one for a whole school prayer session. The children in each class are encouraged to plan and lead this; it may be based on what they are learning in R.E.; it may be related to something that is going on in the world or something which is close to their hearts. We also welcome parents and family members to pray at this time.

The Faith Ambassadors also run a weekly prayer group for pupils and staff.  

School Masses

Mass is celebrated regularly, as a whole school, at key times in the liturgical year including feast days and Holy Days of Obligation. These Masses are celebrated either in school or at Our Lady’s Church when we join parish Masses. 

Children are fully involved in the preparations for school Masses by writing intercessions and setting up for Mass. They also take part by serving, reading and bringing up the Offertory gifts. Parents, family members and local parishioners are welcomed to join us for Masses, acts of worship and Stations of the Cross.

Praise and Songs

On Wednesday afternoon, KS1 and KS2 gather together to practise hymns and songs we use for our collective worship and Mass. We also take this opportunity to learn new sung Mass parts. We use scripture relevant to the liturgical time of the year as part of this collective worship.

Gratitude Assembly

Every Friday, KS1 and KS2 gather to celebrate the achievements of the children for that week. Staff award certificates and children may bring in awards they have received outside of school. House points are also calculated to see which House has received the most points. We remember to give thanks to Jesus for everything we have done. We remember that He loves us when things have gone well but also when we make mistakes.