School Lunches

Our Lady's School lunches are an easy and convenient way for parents to ensure their child gets a warm, wholesome and nutritious meal.

The menu rotates on a termly basis. Under current government legislation all Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 children are entitled to a free school meal.

If you think you may be eligible for free school meals, please contact the school office or complete the attached form.

Parents still have the option to provide their children with a packed lunch from home. The packed lunch should always be healthy and nutritious. This should include a still (not fizzy) drink in a non-breakable container (not glass or cans).

As a number of children in the school have nut allergies we ask you to be considerate of this and not provide nuts in your child's packed lunch. Some of the children who have the allergy have an airborne strain so could become ill even by being in the same room as another child eating nuts/peanut butter/chocolate spreads etc.

All children in EYFS & KS1 will receive a piece of fruit every morning at break. We encourage all children in KS2 to bring a piece of fruit for their snack.

Children should also bring a named water bottle which is kept in the classroom; this can be topped up throughout the day via the fresh water available in school.