Our Lady's Trust

The Purpose of the Trust 

We are very privileged in this country to have had a commitment from the Government to Catholic Education. Catholic schools only receive 90% of the Capital Funding of other state schools. As a school we have to find the other 10%. In the increasingly secular society where many people would like to see an end to Catholic education it is really important that Catholic schools can continue to find this funding.

The OLS Trust was set up in 2003 to enable the school to buy extra resources and educational equipment that otherwise we could not afford to buy. The Trust spends the income it receives promptly and efficiently so that your children can enjoy the benefits as quickly as possible.

The OLS Trust has been well supported in the past with up to 68 families contributing and so far we have raised over £125,000. It is a tax efficient way of saving as the Trust are able to reclaim a further 25% back from all contributions made.


Children in all year groups have benefited from modern new resources for Literacy, Numeracy, Science, Information Communications Technology (I.C.T.), Art and P.E. costing £65,000,

In addition, £45,000 was spent on the new interactive boards, new projectors and laptops to use in classrooms.

The Trust has also financed the maintenance and improvement of the school’s computer infrastructure and the acquisition of new software.

Recently over £7,500 was spent on improving the new doors and windows for the school.

Finally £8,500 went towards the maintenance of the school, including decoration of the corridors, new skylights and electrical rewiring.

Contributing to the OLS Trust is easy

Simply set up a monthly standing order for the amount of your choice. Any amount donated is gratefully appreciated. We do suggest £10 for the first child and £5 for each additional child and £20 for a family of 3 or more children.

You can easily set up a standing order either at your local branch or over the internet using the following bank details:



SORT CODE 40-08-41


Alternatively you can make a one off payment in cash or a cheque made out to "Our Lady's Discretionary Trust" to the school office

Thank You

Nicola (Chair of the OLS Trust)

Gift Aid Form