Faith Ambassadors

All children from KS2 can to apply to be a Faith Ambassador. Faith Ambassadors meet every fortnight to discuss future events and suggest fundraising opportunities.

Some of the jobs of the Faith Ambassadors include:

  • assisting in class based acts of worship

  • ensure each class prayer focus is kept neat and appropriate

  • setting up for Masses and collective worship

  • assisting during Mass

  • leading a weekly prayer group for pupils

  • assisting staff in assemblies

  • compiling and maintaining a record of important events in the life of the school

  • leading assemblies at the start of each school year to explain the role of Faith Ambassadors

  • helping with R.E. displays and key areas around the school

  • develop and help maintain the Prayer Garden

  • being proactive through leading by example

  • maintaining the Faith Ambassadors display board

  • developing links with PSMG schools in England and in other parts of the world

  • encouraging staff and pupils in working towards CAFOD’s Live Simply Award