
Whether you are considering our School for your child to join in Reception in September 2023 or you are seeking a place in an older year group, on this page you will hopefully find all the information you require about the school and about applying for a place for your child/children. However, we would still encourage you to visit the school so that you can appreciate the ethos and standards in the School first hand.

If you would like to visit the school, please contact the School Office (01494 726390) to arrange a convenient appointment with the Head Teacher who can show you around the school and answer all your questions. We look forward to meeting you.

The online admission portal is open between November 2023 and mid-January 2024. Please refer to the Admission Policy below for details of the admission criteria and supplementary information form.


In addition to the Bucks County Council application, parents are advised to complete the Supplementary Catholic Admission Form and obtain a Certificate of Catholic Practice and deliver these completed to the School Office.

For admissions into the current academic year, please refer to the Admissions Policy 2023-2024. 

Below is a link to the current supplementary information form.  Catholic applicants are encouraged to get a  Certificate of Catholic Practice. If you have any queries about the process please do not hesitate to contact us.

The link below will take you to maps of the boundaries of our 4 parishes. You can use these to identify which parish you live in.

Parish Boundaries