OLS Parliament

Each year, a new Primary Minister, Deputy Primary Minister, Committee leaders and committee members are elected by the children of Our Lady’s. There are five committees: Sports, Arts, Education, Eco and Wellbeing. Each committee sets their agenda for the year, taking ideas from the rest of the school, and carries out projects that both enhance school life and create awareness of the world beyond the school walls. By having a school Parliament, children learn about democracy, how they can impact their communities and how to make decisions that will contribute to the common good of all.


A message from the Primary Minister and Deputy Primary Minister of Our Lady’s. 

It is a privilege to be representing the children of Our Lady’s as primary and deputy this year. We are delighted to be ambassadors of our kind and caring community and would like to offer a warm welcome to anyone visiting the website today.  

This year we hope to achieve great things for our school including a wider range of activities during break times, reducing our schools carbon footprint and continuing to come up with creative and fun ways of learning alongside our teachers. 

Our goal is to really uphold our school’s motto: “A place of learning; a community of Christ.”