
In our last Ofsted inspection, we were judged to be a good school with outstanding behaviour because:
  • Pupils achieve well, and their progress is improving because of the good quality of teaching.
  • Pupils’ attainment in English and mathematics is consistently well above average by the end of Year 6.
  • The quality of teaching is good and sometimes outstanding because of the improvements brought about, following school leaders’ accurate checks and the effective feedback given to teachers.
  • The school benefits from excellent relationships with parents and carers.
  • Behaviour has improved and now is outstanding, due to the clear behaviour policy being consistently applied by staff. The pupils have a great respect for one another’s learning.
  • School leaders have effectively driven improvements in teaching and achievement with support and challenge from the governors, by regularly checking the progress of a clearly defined action plan.
  • The school has the capacity for sustained improvement in the future. 

This has been reinforced recently with a short inspection in May 2018. As this was a short inspection our overall grade couldn't be changed but it did confirm that we continue to perform extremely strongly.

Our RE inspection in June 2018 graded us as an outstanding school with a strong Catholic ethos. Please read the full reports here: