Curriculum - #OLSBuildingtheKingdom

The Christian values at the heart of our Catholic faith are at the forefront of our daily work. Our curriculum is designed to enable children to come to know and love God, discovering their identity in Him and having opportunities to express their gifts and talents.

Our aim is to further each child’s sense of commitment and responsibility to themselves, to others and in the wider world. At the heart of Catholic education lies the Christian vision of the human person. Therefore, religious education is never simply one subject among many, but the foundation of our entire educational process. In their R.E. lessons, children receive direct teaching of our faith. By mapping #OLSBuildingthekingdom across the curriculum, we ensure that our curriculum is fit for a modern-day Catholic school and that each child becomes more aware of the social issues in our local area and in other areas of the world.

Each half term we focus on a strand pf Cathoic Social Teaching - CARITAS - through assemblies and activities in the curriculum.